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compression stage中文是什么意思

用"compression stage"造句"compression stage"怎么读"compression stage" in a sentence


  • 压缩极
  • 压缩级[当流体的压缩由几个压缩机串联起来完成时,为了使每台压缩机的压缩比不致过大,每台机器所担负的部分压缩过程
  • 压缩阶段
  • 压缩期


  • The melt velocity far from the gate was found to be higher than that near the gate during the compression stage contrary to that of conventional injection molding ( cim ) resulting in different part residual stress and melt temperature distribution
  • The melt velocity far from the gate was found to be higher than that near the gate during the compression stage contrary to that of conventional injection molding ( cim ) resulting in different part residual stress and melt temperature distribution
  • Through the interface between the card and pc , the control infomation and dsp compression stage etc . can be conveniently notified . the simulation statistics indicates that the design mentioned in the paper can be conveniently and effectively appllied to the image processing card to accomplish the functions of the dataflow controls such as i2c operation 、 image transform parameter data transmission 、 sdr - sdram controller 、 pc - fpga communication , dsp video codec etc
    验证结果表明,本文所述的系统方案设计可以方便的应用在基于pc104总线的高分辨率图像处理系统中,并能有效完成i2c配置、 pc - fpga交互通信, fpga对sdr - sdram高速读写控制, dsp对图像进行压缩等系统功能。
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